3. The Benefits of PBL in a Standards-Based World
Project approach = empowerment model: what can students do.
(1) provides students with opportunities to apply higher-order cognitive skills
(2) addresses students proficiencies;
(3) stresses intrinsic motivation;
(4) encourages students to determine what to work on, and accepts them as experts about their needs.
This leads to:
- high achievement and deeper subject-matter understanding
- increased motivation, social skills and self-esteem
- increased metacognitive insight and skills
- increased understanding of content as well as reasoning and problem-solving skills.
- the development of research skills
- increased interdisciplinary learning and thematic integration
- students who are free to utilize their specific constellation of learning strengths.
Many studies indicate better standardized assessments compared to instructionist methods.
Excellent review of Research by John W. Thomas. (PDF) www.bie.org/tmp/research/researchreviewPBL.pdf
ISTE - http://www.iste.org/research/roadahead/pbl.cfm#Research
NWREL http://www.nwrel.org/request/2002aug/benefits.html
Buck Institute - http://www.bie.org/research/pbl/index.php
SRI - http://pblmm.k12.ca.us/PBLGuide/pblresch.htm
ECRP - http://ecrp.uiuc.edu/v2n1/schuler.html