Mosaic Tile Art
Karianne Stinson, Ginger Jay,
Context: This is a fifth grade lesson on the culture of Catalonia. Within this lesson, we will focus on the architecture of famous Spanish artist, Antonio Gaudi. This lesson incorporates both fifth grade art and geography benchmarks.
Objectives: SWBAT demonstrate their understanding of one aspect of Catalonian culture by creating a mosaic art tile they would put in a building if they were a Spanish architect.
Fifth Grade:
* Identify artistic elements and principles which can be used to analyze works of art. (Arts)
* Identify personal preferences and their relationship to artistic elements. (Arts)
* Identify distinguishing features of works of art and their historical and cultural contexts.
* Describe how historical or contemporary events influenced or influence works of art. (Arts)
* Create, present and/or perform a single form of art, using experiences, imagination, artistic
methods and composition to achieve desired effect. (Arts)
* Communicate, using an extended vocabulary related to various art forms. (Arts)
* Define basic geography vocabulary such as concepts of location, direction,
distance, scale, movement, and region using appropriate words and diagrams. (Geography)
Introduction: (10 minutes)
Catalunya or Catalonia: (2 min.)
Catalunya is a region of Spain in the Northeast corner, right by the Mediterranean Sea. They have their own language called Catalan. It is somewhat a combination of Spanish and French. There flag is called Senyera. It has 4 horizontal red stripes, alternating with 5 yellow stripes. . The Sardana is a traditional Catalunian dance. During the 1930s, the people of Catalunya fought to for autonomy. Does anyone know what autonomy is? (independence, freedom, self-government) They had their own government, language, culture and laws until the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). General Francisco Franco took control of Spain after the Civil War and ended CatalunyaÕs independence. The Catalan people were even forbidden to speak their language. Franco was a dictator. What is a dictator? Can anyone think of someone else who was a dictator that we have studied? His rule was law. Anyone who questioned Franco brutally dealt with. There were no more fair elections and in July 1947, a law was passed that made Franco head of state for life. Franco died in 1975. In 1977, Catalunya was once again allowed some independence and autonomy. People of Catalunya see themselves as Catalunian first, and Spanish Second. Catalunya has a national holiday and feast day on September 11th.
(2 min.)
Barcelona is the capital of Catalunya. It is an exciting European city that is
rich with culture. There are many
things to see or do within the city and many traditional activities. There is the Museu Picasso that
contains thousands of pieces of art.
There are also many festivals including Carnival, Barcelona
International Jazz Festival, and the Barcelona Streets Arts festival. Jazz music is very popular in Barcelona
and there are many jazz music venues in the city. Las Ramblas is the main roadway within the city, and it is
always bustling with people, noise, and exciting things to see. There are markets, performers, and
vendors. Barcelona hosted the 1992
Olympics. A traditional Spanish
dish is Paella, which is rice and seafood cooked together in a frying pan. Tappas, little hors dÕoeuvres, are
another traditional food item.
What are hors dÕoeuvres? The architecture in Barcelona is unique and
beautiful, and one of the most notable architects is Antonio Gaudi.
Antonio Gaudi: (3 min)
Antonio Gaudi was born in Catalonia, Spain in 1852 and he became one of SpainÕs most famous architects. As a child, he became fascinated with observing plants, animals and forms in nature which became highly influential in his architectural designs later in life.
Gaudi studied architecture at the Provincial School of Architecture in Barcelona. Here he became known for his outlandish ideas and style, and he was the only one of four students to be granted the title of Architect.
GaudiÕs sources of inspiration in the creation of his architecture included: Medieval books, Gothic art, Oriental structures, the glory of nature, and the Art Noveau movement, named after a School of French decorative artists from the 1890Õs who used the shapes in plants and nature as their inspiration. Drawing from so many different kinds of artistic inspiration, GaudiÕs architecture clearly reflects this variety in its structure, color and materials.
Throughout his life, GaudiÕs art progressed through 5 distinct stages:
* Eastern Influence: 1883-1888
-Neogothic combined with the exotic: arches, garden waterfalls, cast iron, brilliant
oriental ceramics
* Neogothicism:
-Gothic; Medieval structures
* Naturalism:
-most creative period; inspired by nature; bright colors; no straight lines or planes; used
wood, plaster, clay, and metal
* Straight-Line Geometry: 1908-1917
-simple geometry: lines and planes on regular, solid forms
* Definitive Style: 1892-1926
-straight line geometry and equilibrated structures
This style is considered to be best represented by the Sagrada Familia Cathedral in Barcelona. Gaudi began this project at the age of 31 and dedicated the following 42 years of his life to this architectural masterpiece, until he died suddenly at the age of 73. After 115 years of work, the Sagrada Familia is still under construction to this day and is considered one of BarcelonaÕs most famous landmarks.
Mosaics (5 minutes)
Learning Activity: (30 Minutes)
Closure: (10
Once everyone has the opportunity to create their own personal mosaic tile, give students a chance to their work to explain the significance of their designs. Ask students about what kind of features in their tiles are similar to GaudiÕs work. Ask them about how they think culture/events can influence oneÕs art. Ask what they enjoyed about the activity, and what they did not enjoy as well.
Extension Activities:
Perform the Sardana:
Catalunya's typical dance is the sardana. It is danced making a circle of people holding hands who follow the steps with the music's rhythm.
Build castles:
A well-known traditional activity in Catalunya is the castles, or human towers. The different groups compete in order to look who makes the higher castles. Taking part on a castle means to have a great resistance and balance, since the weight carried -above all, by the base components- is huge.
Create a street performance:
Students can work in pairs, groups or individually to come up with their own street performance. They can play like they are a statue, a toy, an animal, or anything they can think of.
Paint a Picasso:
Students can look at various works of Picasso and paint their own picture using elements similar to Picasso.
Student Evaluation:
In this lesson, student evaluation should be done throughout the activity, with attention being given to the childÕs participation in the tile creation, as well as to his or her responses to the questions during closure time.
Teacher Evaluation:
Although this activity does not require many intricate steps for children to follow, it is still important that the teacher be interacting with the children, available for questions, and actively facilitating the lesson throughout.
Barcelona, Tell Us about Gaudi
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Gaudi and Modernism in
by H.
Kliczkowski Asppan
Gaudi: Complete Works
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Picasso for Kids
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Barcelona, Tell Us about Yourself
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Barcelona, Tell Us More about Gaudi
Fina Rifa / Kliczkowski Publishers / Architecture
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Homage to Catalonia (Harvest Book)
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Devils Hat a Tale From Catalonia
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The Story of Ferdinand
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Love From Spain, Melanie Martin
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Quixote and The Windmills
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Don Gato
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and the Path of Dreams
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