Hand Strokes for Drumming


Open Palm Ð hit middle of drum head with palm of hand, then quickly remove hand and allow drum sound to ring


Closed Palm Ð hit middle of drum head with palm of hand and let hand rest there to dampen sound


Open Finger Tap Ð tap middle of drum head with finger tips, then allow sound to ring


Closed Finger Tap Ð tap side of drum head with finger tips and leave fingers still to dampen sound


Heel-Tips Ð hid the edge of the drum head with the palm of your hand, then tap the middle of the drumhead with the fingertips




Types of drums used in Conga Drumming


In the Afro-Cuban tradition there are four main drum sizes which cover a full tonal range:

¥ The Tumba (TOOM-bah) is the largest diameter (12.25ý to 12.50ý) and lowest pitched.

¥ The Conga (KAHN-gah) is the middle sized (11.75ý), mid range drum.

¥ The Quinto (KEEN-toe) is the smaller sized (10.75 to 11.00ý) and higher pitched.

¥ Some contemporary congueros also use the Requinto (ray-KEEN-toe); a smaller (9.50 to 10.00ý), even higher pitched drum that is becoming popular in a wide range of musical styles.