I am from the bench
That sits on the beach
A place where you shouldnŐt bother trying to figure out our speech
I am from the banyan tree
that swings in the breeze
A place where you can rest and put your mind at ease
I am from the red dirt
that stains your skin and
as you inhale your body within
I am from a can of spam
Which everyone thinks is gross
But where I am from itŐs the meat that everyone likes the most.
I am from hammer pants
And acid wash jeans
The slide slick haircut
That made me look like a queen
I am from little league tee ball games
And pictures of me in the field picking my nose
From water gun fights
Me with the super soaker and my dad with the hose
I am from immigrants
Who sought a better life
working in sugar plantations
while fighting through strife.
I am from the love of my family
Who gave me a
The ones who still loved me when I smiled or was in a bad mood
I am from the foot prints that I made in the sand
From the endless boogie boarding days that
I wish I could turn back the hands
This is who I amÉ