Megan 11/10/05
I am from tap shoes, permed hair
and MamomÕs chocolate milk.
I am from greenhouse foundations
and frog collections.
I am from ice cream trucks, crab feasts
and family reunions 10 years in the making.
I am my parentsÕ daughter, from their
love, commitment and constant support.
I am from rough-housing and sneaking,
Cabbage Patch Kids and bedtime stories.
I am from older brothers and rivalry
and causing the kinds of trouble that
result in frantic phone calls to Dad.
I am from lasagna, burnt spaghetti sauce
and Christmas cookies whose tastes have blended
together over the long trip from Michigan.
I am from PBJs, grilled cheese
and CampbellÕs Soup at restaurants.
I am from ÒGo BulldogsÓ and toe-touches,
homeruns and fly balls.
I am from playing, competitions and
state championships that end in heartbreak.
I am from cats that scare dogs and rabbits that scare cats
and Road Island Reds that elude neighbors and live on blackberries.
I am from HanginÕ Tough, One More Try and Wild Thing.
I am the product of liberals and equality,
fair punishments and responsibility.
I am from mud fights and trampolines
that bring pleasure and pain.
I am from hiding under the table, beer bongs,
Beruit and green beans that fly across the room.
I am from pea green chairs and pellet stoves,
Spam and football games.
I am from memories, accomplishments
and failures of my past and the prospects
of my future, that have not yet come to pass.