I am from laughter

from tight hugs and warm sunshine

I'm from my mother's smile

and the silly stories my dad loves to tell (the tears roll down our cheeks)

I am from the budding crocus and

that old red wagon, careening down the hill

I am from scales and arpeggios, sheet music and holiday recitals;

from cool lake water and leaps off the boat house

I'm from worried buttons and tomato plants,

Bonzer and "pretty good"

I'm from round, wooden tables surrounded by God's Love Ð Love is All in All.

I'm from the cow's wise eyes and the pig's happy grunt

from Little Baby Bings, kneading paws, and "Prancer, get out of those cookies!"

Down the hall, wrapped in a white blanket

sitting at the kitchen table, drawing pictures and tapping my feet

happy we're together

In your arms I feel protected Ð whispers of "I love you"

Content to be with family

Gentle presence, my comfort always.


-Amy Berg