Philosophy of education paper is due next week.

Does the classroom need to change to accomodate the child or does the child need to change to accomodate the classroom?

Schooling in Capatilist America
Most of learning we have takes place before age 5

I think that the teacher should be willing to accomodate, but that each student should understand being able to accomodate the other students.
Use a stress ball to divert a student's energy and allow them to focus, chewing gum, one leg chair, pencil sharpener(quiet one)

when you plan to student teach, do you plan with the teacher you will be with? do you have to follow their rules about dicipline and use their phiosopies that have been imlimented in the classroom?

Kids want to make connections with their teachers and the adults in the classroom!!!

The class you are observing for Work Sample is usually the class you do your student teaching in.

Prism Model

The Scientist in the Crib

Three orientations:

Behaviorist: Locke, blank slate, Skinner(operant learning) learning is the change in the probability of responding based on the past responses to your behaviors, Bandura (Social Behaviorism), social behavorism is a step closer to constructivism; no cognition, only behavior

Maturationist: Rousseau, Gesell, in between behaviorism and constructivism

Constructivist:talks about what goes on in the brain, Piaget, involved in your own development

Field theory for cognitive development and most of his age stages, etc are not totally accurate. Basic underlying tenants of his theory are believed to be accurate. Most of Freud's theories are completely false (but don't tell todd schultz this) and can be considered brilliant in some aspects.

Great to look at how cognition changes.
Fundamental concept that underlays Piaget's theory:

Three fundamental elements of cognitive theory:
1) Adaptation, composed of assimilation and accomodation
3)Organization- innate drive to learn knew things, put new matierial together with old to make new sense of it.
Schemas: Cognitive structures, is the stuff in your head, categories
We want to do new things because we get bored doing the same things over and over. There is an innate drive that makes us want to do new things. (Organization) Put it together with old experience

Assimilation taking something new and making it fit into something (schema) that already exists

Accomodate: change the scheme to fit the new thing

EVERYTHING IS BASED ON PREVIOUS UNDERSTANDING!!! EDA is always going. Learning is trying to reach a state of equilibrium that can never be achieved, drive to understand world using assimilation and accomodation.


Child gets a foot ball
assimilates that it is a ball and puts it in to her ball schema
throwing it is differnet- in diseqilibrium
now she has to accomodate- change her scheme
her idea how a ball bounces is differnet-her scheme changes
once accomodating to the football, her ball scheme now understands that a football bounces, catches and needs to be thrown differnetly than a softball
Piaget says that learning to throw a football is cognitive

Skinner says learning to throw a foot ball is reinforcement. it is external, not internal(cognitive)

According to Piaget, babies must have schemas when they are born... WHERE DO THEY COME FROM??? This goes against what Locke says. All schema begin with reflexes.

Implications for this for learning:

We assume that the students are active learners and want to seek knowledge, but are they really? We fascilitate their ideas.
A teacher helps the child's brain to learn, we provide the situation for them to assimilate/accomodate. In order to learn, you have to be active!
Can not teach anybody anything according to Piaget

scaffolding (brunner) providing support to help adjust the schema.

Discrepant events... Something that happens in an unexpectant way, throws you into a disequilibrium.
Piaget- the wrong answers are what are interesting-lead to learning
why kids give wrong answers
perspective taking- egocentricism

conservation tests
decolage- half way there but not fully there

different operations

what it means for classroom teaching

teaching people, not subjects!!!
we all have different understandings and experiences